[En] 渥太華 (安大略省) (2020年11月12日) – ACHK對加拿大政府及移民部長門迪奇諾於香港局勢正急速下滑之際、發表支持香港移民的新措施感到鼓舞。門迪奇諾於聲明中,提到加拿大與香港的歷史關係,並指出中國於香港執行國安惡法。
- 豁免續領簽證或延期居留申請的手續費。
- 新設工作簽證,容許已完成專上課程的香港人 (加拿大或香港的大專院校課程)在加拿大工作最長三年。
- 成為永久居民的詳細申請程序將於明年(2021年)公佈。此途徑只要求最基本言能力、最基本教育水平及一年加拿大工作經驗。
- 加拿大人(加拿大公民或永久居民)可隨時返回加拿大,政府將加快提供他們所需的相關文件。
- 允許加拿大人的家人在旅遊限制令下例外進入加國。(入境後仍需隔離十四日)
- 新設工作簽證,容許已完成專上課程的香港人 (加拿大或香港的大專院校課程)在加拿大工作最長三年。
- 詳細的永久居民申請程序將於明年(2021年)公佈。此途徑只要求最基本言能力、最基本教育水平及一年加拿大工作經驗。
- 加快審批學生簽證及移民申請(包括永久居留申請及家庭團聚擔保)。
以下為聯邦移民、難民及公民部長門迪奇諾的公佈全文: (英文)
Canada announces immigration measures supporting Hong Kong residents and Canadians in Hong Kong
November 12, 2020—Ottawa—Immigration is a key driver of Canada’s economic growth, and Canada continues to welcome the best and brightest from around the world, who help create jobs for Canadians. As we focus on accelerating our recovery, Canada will continue to be the world’s top destination for talent, capital, and jobs.
Today, the Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced a new immigration initiative that will attract students and youth from Hong Kong to Canada by offering a new open work permit and broadening their pathways to permanent residency. This initiative builds on the 2021-2023 Annual Immigration Plan and is designed to encourage recent Hong Kong graduates and those with essential work experience to choose Canada as a place to study, work, and settle. This announcement also supports the commitments made by the Government of Canada to support the many connections between Canada and Hong Kong in response to the Chinese government’s imposition and implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong on July 30, 2020.
In addition, a number of enhancements to existing immigration programs, and increasing efforts to raise awareness of these options, will support people from Hong Kong who are currently in Canada and want to stay, or want to begin making plans to come to Canada when the COVID-19 travel restrictions are eventually lifted.
The minister also reassured Canadians and Canadian permanent residents in Hong Kong that they can return to Canada at any time, and any documents they require will be expedited. Family members of Canadians and Canadian permanent residents in Hong Kong may also travel to Canada under the current exemptions to travel restrictions, though all travellers to Canada must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.
New pathways for Hong Kong youth
Recognizing the talent and skills many Hong Kong students and graduates can bring to Canada’s economy and workforce, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is announcing a new initiative to allow eligible Hong Kong residents, in Canada or abroad, with recently completed post-secondary studies to apply for an open work permit, which may be valid for up to 3 years.
Obtaining an open work permit will allow Hong Kong residents, particularly young people, to come to or stay in Canada and gain valuable employment experience. After this experience, a new pathway to permanent resident status for in-Canada Hong Kong residents who meet specific eligibility criteria is being created. This new pathway will be available in 2021, and criteria include minimum language and education levels, and 1 year of work experience in Canada.
The Government will also expedite study permit applications for those who want to study in Canada. There has already been an increase in applications for study permits from Hong Kong residents in 2020, and Canada will continue to promote this opportunity. Minister Mendicino announced that, once their studies are completed, these students will have a new dedicated pathway to permanent residence.
Additional Measures
Canada is also introducing new measures to expedite documents for Canadians and permanent residents in Hong Kong, to speed up processing of permanent residence applications, including family sponsorship, which will benefit Hong Kong residents, and to encourage Hong Kong youth to study or work in Canada.
Application processing fees are being waived for Hong Kong residents in Canada on a temporary basis who apply to renew their status to extend their stay.
Minister Mendicino said that Canada continues to support the people of Hong Kong and to stand up for democracy and human rights.
ACHK支援受到中共逼害的台灣人、西藏人、維吾爾人、中國人及其他群體。ACHK 亦同時支援加拿大及國外的原住民以及被邊緣化社區人士。 alliancecanadahk.com | [email protected]